Brand Label

Rijk Zwaan's Hydroponic Solutions

Rijk Zwaan has developed a diverse range of hydroponic-friendly leafy vegetable varieties, suitable for various systems such as floating rafts, fixed and moving gutter systems (NFT), with or without artificial light, single/multi-layer vertical farms, and other soil-less methods. Visit your local Rijk Zwaan website for the local hydroponic assortment or contact your local distributor

Hydroponic benefits


Every hydroponic project is unique. From the initial idea until the consumption of the final product: Rijk Zwaan’s dedicated hydroponic team with different expertises is ready to support you on your hydroponic journey. By sharing our extensive experience and insights, we are determined to contribute to successful hydroponic projects.


When breeding varieties that can be grown in water, Rijk Zwaan pays attention to aspects such as high yield and efficiency, fast and compact growth, strength against elongation, leaf firmness, attractive colour intensity and good plant health (e.g. tipburn-free).


Rijk Zwaan works in close cooperation with growers, processors, horticultural suppliers, crop consultants and investors to ensure that retailers, foodservice companies and processors receive clean and attractive lettuce-based products in line with their needs.

Discover our concepts

These are exciting times for leafy greens because hydroponic is booming around the world. Rijk Zwaan has been working on varieties that are suitable for indoor growing systems for many years, resulting in a wide range of leafy vegetables that are suitable for all kinds of hydroponics systems: floating rafts, fixed and moving gutter systems (NFT), with and without artificial light, single/multi-layer vertical farms and any other method for growing leafy greens without soil. Our hydroponic assortment comprises several leafy greens, amongst others Lettuce, Endive, Swiss Chard, Kale, Spinach and Rocket. Below concepts are specifically suitable for hydroponic cultivation:


Cleaner, more efficient and more sustainable

Vegetables are increasingly being grown in a cleaner, more efficient and more sustainable way. Rijk Zwaan supports innovative production methods by providing extensive technical expertise and strong varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests.

Hydroponic-proof varieties

Indoor growing systems are becoming more popular these days. When breeding varieties that can be grown in water, Rijk Zwaan pays attention to aspects such as high yield and efficiency, fast and compact growth, strength against elongation, leaf firmness, attractive colour intensity and good plant health (e.g. tipburn-free). Post-harvest aspects such as ease of processing and packing, on-shelf presentation, shelf life and consumer preferences are also taken into account.

Rijk Zwaan regularly organises demonstration trials at its breeding stations around the world so that visitors can see, cut, touch and taste the varieties for themselves.

Hydroponics video

Every Hydroponic project is unique. Watch the video of the highly automated greenhouse of one of our Belgian partners.

Hydroponic Services:

Rijk Zwaan works in close cooperation with growers, processors, horticultural suppliers, crop consultants and investors to ensure that retailers, foodservice companies and processors receive clean and attractive lettuce-based products in line with their needs.

Peter Sonneveld
Crop Co-ordinator Lettuce and Specialist Hydroponics
Frank Bouland
Client Manager Horticultural Projects
For more information, please contact:
Bauke van Lenteren
For more information, please contact:
Bauke van Lenteren
Marketing Specialist Convenience and Leaf