XX | Hero | VI24 | Stories | Vegetable high altitude

CSR - 07-06-2023

Fresh vegetables at high altitude

The Kusimayo Foundation offers help to the local population in some of Peru’s poorest areas, such as by building heated accommodation and setting up small-scale greenhouses. It also fosters knowledge sharing about healthy eating and hygiene. Vegetable breeding company Rijk Zwaan has been supporting Kusimayo since 2017.

Committee for Development Cooperation

The Rijk Zwaan Committee for Development Cooperation is involved in development work, with a focus on sharing our knowledge about vegetable farming. We work together with local organisations to provide technical advice and support to farmers and growers in developing countries. Our aim is to stimulate vegetable consumption within families and communities, and to help farmers to improve their income position. 

Are you interested in the development projects and initiatives we support? Have a look at www.rijkzwaan.com/development-projects